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The Community Exchange Network Tasmania (CENTs) enables people to trade goods, services, and skills using simbis instead of money.
Flexible mental health support. Foundations provides an outreach service for people between 18-64 years of age who do not require 24-hour support. Foundations works one-on-one with individuals to promote recovery, encourage progress and support life skills.
TasCAHRD supports people living with or at risk of hepatits B and C, HIV and STIs.
Join your local Baby Village: Connecting families, fostering community, promoting healthy development, and embracing joyful learning through play!
At genU we support Tasmanian communities through our disability and aged care services.
Dragonfly Counselling and Consulting is a private practice offering professional support to individuals or couples who are experiencing difficulties in their lives. Providing focused psychological strategies utilising evidence-based therapies, we will work with you to over come any obstacles.
Read, listen to or watch information in your language about Services Australia payments and services. Use our free interpreter and translation service to do business with us.
Choosing Wisely Australia helps healthcare providers and consumers start important conversations about improving the quality of healthcare by eliminating unnecessary and sometimes harmful tests, treatments and procedures.
We are a charitable non-profit community organisation that provides advice and information about assistive technology.
The Safe Choices program is focused on the improved safety of women, children and other Tasmanian community members, through the raising of community awareness around the issues of Family Violence.
FindHelpTAS lists Neighbourhood houses, many of who provide drug, alcohol and addictions support.
The Tasmanian Health Directory is a statewide directory where you can search for health care services or individual health care specialists.