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Your gateway to accessible venues in Tasmania.
At genU we support Tasmanian communities through our disability and aged care services.
Meals on Wheels delivers meals to individuals unable to cook due to sickness, age, or disability, promoting dignity and independence.
The National Continence Helpline is a free, confidential telephone advisory service staffed by a team of nurse continence specialists.
Safe Space Day Program is a place to connect to support such as mental health services, drug and alcohol services, doctors and more permanent housing solutions.
Mediation and counselling services for families who need help with issues related to ageing.
We assist with local community fundraising for special causes and help with development and building of local parks, community venues and sporting centres.
Having trouble with alcohol? Does your drinking worry you? Is it causing you to get into unpleasant or dangerous situations? Are family members complaining about your drinking? See if the AA program is what you need.
We are the world’s first free mobile laundry service for people experiencing homelessness.
Eat Well Tasmania champions and promotes the eating of seasonal Tasmanian food. Working closely with industry and government, our goal is to bring more delicious seasonal Tasmanian food to Tasmanians.
Wyndarra Centre is a registered NDIS provider and provides a range of support for people with varying abilities.
RSL Tasmania supports Australian Defence Force active serving and ex-serving Veterans, their partners and family members in accessing services and supports.