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A residential service that aids mental health recovery in a safe and calm environment
If you are over 18, on a low income and need somewhere to live in southern Tasmania, Bilton Lodge may be an option.
This service matches volunteers with disaster and emergency management agencies (“Organisations” – including all levels of government, well known charitable organisations and community groups).
If you are concerned about someone else’s drinking, there are Al-Anon Family Groups near you to support you. Most face to face Al-Anon groups are again open in Tasmania. Good news!!
Free Community Lunch on Wednesdays each and every week at 12 noon. Everyone is welcome, come and eat, chat and catch up with friends. We have an amazing team of volunteers who help make this available to the community.
We offer a free, confidential service to people aged between 18 and 65 years who have a severe and complex mental health problem. We provide assessment, treatment, support and education.
FindHelpTAS lists Neighbourhood houses, many of who provide drug, alcohol and addictions support.
ACVVS is funded by the Australian Government and offers friendship and companionship to older people who are lonely or socially isolated in a residential aged care setting or have a current Home Care Package.
MensLine Australia is a telephone and online counselling service offering support for Australian men anywhere, anytime.
Self/mutual help group providing an educational program for those wishing to gain greater mental stability and improved psychological wellbeing.
Wyndarra’s Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) helps senior Australians access entry-level support services to live independently and safely at home.
Mediation and counselling services for families who need help with issues related to ageing.