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The wayraparattee Child & Family Centre in Geeveston, is a place where all children from prenatal to 5 years and their family can access a range of programs and services.
We have an amazing group of young people who sing, play, act, tell jokes and have an amazing time together.
The SASS training team offers a range of primary prevention training programs and workshops, for children, adolescents, and adults.
Assisting families and individuals who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
My Active Choice (MAC) is a fresh, innovative approach to providing high quality, fun activities for participants with disabilities.
Deloraine Day Centre provides respite day services to the Deloraine community.
The Brain Injury Association of Tasmania (BIAT) is the peak body for people living with or affected by brain injury in Tasmania.
Recovery Coaching is an NDIS Support item for people with a psychosocial disability. It can be added to a new NDIS plan or replace the Support Coordination Budget in your current plan.
Learning Through Loss is a free training for professionals or volunteers working with young people. The training provides participants with the tools they need to support young people to safely navigate grief and loss. The learnings from the training have the potential to prevent the development of mental illness in those affected by grief and loss.
Come along and join us at NoBucks cafe to experience exceptional hospitality, fellowship and friendship.
Red Cross Shops are a treasure trove of pre-loved, new and vintage clothing, homewares and accessories for the fashion conscious and budget shopper alike.
The Australian Childhood Foundation provides a specialist Family Violence Counselling service for children and young people impacted by Family Violence.