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SANE Australia works with those affected by mental health issues to provide better support, stronger connections, less discrimination and longer lives.
Cancer Council Tasmania’s Cancer Support for Under 25’s is a state-wide program supporting Tasmanian families of children, adolescents and young adults with cancer up to the age of 25 years and survivors of childhood cancer.
Family Drug and Gambling Help is a national service providing information and support to those who are impacted by a loved one's problematic drinking, drug use or gambling. 24/7 Helpline 1300 660 068
1300 659 467 - Access Mental Health is a mental health support, triage, and referral phone line delivered by the Department of Health, Tasmania in partnership with Lifeline Tasmania. Find a health service.
FACT is the Peak Body for non-government providers focusing on the wellbeing of Families & Children in Tasmania.
The Chats program offers a variety of services to Tasmanian's. These vary from group and individual social support through to allied health - social work and counselling services. There is something for everyone in the Chats program.
My Pathway provides support to people with differing abilities, injury or a health condition as a registered Disability Employment Services (DES) provider.
The Bridge Program is a Tasmania-wide service for help overcoming and recovering from addictions related to Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs.
Cancer Council Tasmania offers a free wig library service for clients experiencing hair loss as a result of their cancer treatment.
The Strong Families, Safe Kids Advice and Referral Line (SFSK) is a contact point for people seeking advice and assistance if they have concerns about a child or their family.
ACVVS is funded by the Australian Government and offers friendship and companionship to older people who are lonely or socially isolated in a residential aged care setting or have a current Home Care Package.
Do you have a legal issue and need information? We offer free, weekly legal information evenings at our Hobart office. Come along to meet with a lawyer and discuss your legal issue or question.