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Kingston Neighbourhood House is a friendly, supportive and welcoming place for people living in our community. We offer a range of services, support and programs.
We are one of Australia’s largest disability employment service providers and a registered training organisation. We help you find and keep meaningful work.
The Clarence Plains Community Chaplain service is a non-denominational service to help community members towards a positive future by bringing compassion, help and hope to communities where Mission Australia has an active presence.
YFCC’s HYF program offers support to families with children 12 years and under (including through pregnancy) residing in the Burnie region. HYF utilise a person centred approach in all areas of a family’s life. HYF also have capacity to provide evidence based parenting programs to the wider Burnie community.
The Integrated Family Support Service (IFSS) works with families who identify a need for parenting support. The service works holistically with the family to identify their needs and workers support parents to meet their goals.
The Couch program offers a space safe for migrants to find community and access services.
Wellways to Recovery is a free community-based support service for Tasmanians experiencing mental health issues to set their own recovery goals and reach them.
A program that helps people make and maintain changes to substance use, for adults from 18 years of age.
We work to make the community to feel safe and be safe, to reduce crime, to improve driver behaviour through traffic law enforcement and to contribute towards community resilience through effective security and emergency management.
Red Cross Shops are a treasure trove of pre-loved, new and vintage clothing, homewares and accessories for the fashion conscious and budget shopper alike.
ParentsNext helps eligible parents to plan and prepare for employment by the time their children go to school.
Cancer Council Tasmania’s Financial Assistance Scheme (FAS) aims to assist Tasmanians diagnosed with cancer when they are undergoing treatment or receiving palliative care who are experiencing financial hardship. Cancer Council also has free legal support programs currently available.