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The wayraparattee Child & Family Centre in Geeveston, is a place where all children from prenatal to 5 years and their family can access a range of programs and services.
Our Asthma Educators are available to answer your asthma questions and provide support for not only people with asthma but their carers. Our Asthma Educators are trained to assist you with Australian best-practice asthma management and evidence-based information.
Curraghmore in Devonport, run by Anglicare, provides NDIS-funded support for people with mental health challenges, including independent living and short- or medium-term accommodation.
Tresca Community Centre offers a large range of activities, groups & classes, we also have the Exeter Online Centre in our building, a Men’s Shed, an OpShop and a playground.
Weekly gatherings for men and women who want to do crafts, make new friends, and chat over a cup of tea or coffee.
Speak Out Advocacy is a state-wide, independent, non-government organisation that aims to develop a respectful and inclusive community by promoting and defending the rights of people with disability.
My Active Choice (MAC) is a fresh, innovative approach to providing high quality, fun activities for participants with disabilities.
We are not-for-profit, community organisation whose core business is community development.
CatholicCare provides an affordable housing service for people who are on low incomes. We deliver State government programs that prioritise housing for people who have a high need for safe and stable accommodation due to particular circumstances in their lives such as family violence.
We offer free access to computers and the internet, as well as help with your online needs; anything from one-on-one training to setting up and managing your own devices.
Family Law Counsellors provide assistance with interpersonal issues affecting you and your children during separation and divorce.
Providing an independent dispute-resolution service for electricity and natural gas consumers in Tasmania. We also have information if you’re having trouble paying your electricity bill.