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The Latrobe Adult Day Centre provides day centre services for aged, younger disabled and their carers and people from special needs groups.
QLife is a peer telephone and web chat support and referral service for LGBTIQ+ people their friends, family and supporters.
Karinya provides short term crisis accommodation to young women aged 13 to 20 years.
The Family Advocacy and Support Service (FASS) is a free service providing assistance to families with family law matters who have been affected by family violence.
Launceston Community Legal Centre (LCLC) provides legal advice on general civil legal matters, Employment Law; Family law, and Disability Discrimination as well as “Welfare Rights”.
We provide help and support to refugees, asylum seekers, immigration detainees and other people who are vulnerable as a result of migration.
Did you know that if you text 0477 13 11 14 when you are feeling really depressed, suicidal or in need of support, a Lifeline crisis supporter will text with you?
Choices supports people exiting the Department of Psychiatry, including transitional accommodation when necessary.
Find real, meaningful employment in the community that suits your skills, interests and support needs. Community based supported employment (CBSE) is designed around you and your unique talents and capabilities.
Find the location of defibrilators across Tasmania.
The Annual Electricity Concession is available to eligible Tasmanian concession holders who apply
SPEAK UP! Stay ChatTY works to promote positive mental health and prevent suicide by reducing stigma and encouraging people to seek help.