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We provide mature adults with dance and theatre skills development opportunities. We also run classes for those living with neurological conditions.
TasCAHRD supports people living with or at risk of hepatits B and C, HIV and STIs.
ReachOut is Australia’s leading online mental health organisation for young people and their parents.
We provide emergency support such as food, household goods, financial assistance, advocacy, advice, information and referrals.
More Opportunities provides one-on-one support that assists participants in achieving their individual Accommodation and Tenancy goals, be it overcoming hurdles that may impact a current tenancy or exploring and obtaining alternative housing.
HACC and CHSP eligible clients who need transport to medical appointments or social events such as day centre, community groups, shopping and business appointments.
Place-based Community Development responds to community determined indicators by assisting the community in building connections and resilience.
The Geeveston Community Centre has a Learner Driver Mentor Programme called Jumpstart. we match Mentors and Learner Drivers to help the learner meet their required hours, and learn best practice with their driving journey. Our aim is to create good, safe drivers.
Choices supports people exiting the Department of Psychiatry, including transitional accommodation when necessary.
Supporting older Tasmanians in Southern Tasmania to access their community, develop their social networks and to maintain their quality of life amongst their friends and the wider community.
The Youth Mental Health First Aid course teaches adults how to confidently recognise and support young people developing a mental health problem or in crisis.
Your team will be ready to fill the role of the responsible adult that will be the pathway to further support.
The Annual Electricity Concession is available to eligible Tasmanian concession holders who apply