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Find services including Helplines, Home help & support, Social and recreational activities, Care / support co-ordination, Information & education, Respite, Housing assistance, Supported accommodation and much more.
Maxima provides specialised support and assistance to anyone living with a disability, injury or health condition to help them prepare for, find and maintain employment.
Advocacy is about supporting you to speak up, have your say and to make sure that your rights are protected. We can help you understand your options, make decisions and access or work with services.
Helpline is a volunteer support and referral service that provides information to people experiencing mental health issues, as well as their family, friends and carers.
For people in alcohol and drug programs
The Gagebrook Community Centre (Jordan River Service) makes a difference by providing a safe place, with opportunities for people to grow and share their skills and knowledge.
As the largest Tasmanian-owned passenger transport company, Metro is dedicated to connecting communities and making the journey better for all Tasmanians.
We support children with a disability or developmental delay from birth to school entry, and their families.
Wyndarra Centre is a registered NDIS provider and provides a range of support for people with varying abilities.
Mosaic Support Services has a strong focus on empowering our clients to have a presence in the community, work towards their personal goals, forge new friendships and live rich and fulfilling lives.
Meals on Wheels delivers meals to individuals unable to cook due to sickness, age, or disability, promoting dignity and independence.
Red Cross has a wide range of resources to help older people, people with disabilities, people who have just moved, psychological first aid and lots more.
At West Winds we aim to provide a range of support and services for the south Channel community.