Youth Beat
Youth Beat – Hobart mainly operates in the Glenorchy, Derwent Valley, Clarendon Vale and Rokeby areas and reaches out to vulnerable young people across Southern Tasmania.
A critical service part of Youth Beat is supported referral and intervention for young people in crisis and assistance with accessing additional services and social support networks.
We also offer a range of services and support to young people to help them address anti-social behaviour, drug and alcohol misuse, and access further supports and social networks.
We foster strong relationships with police, community groups and local support services. Youth Beat offers interactive activities based on the needs and interests of the young people we work with.
Who this service is for
This service offers outreach and case management support to young people in and around Hobart, including the Derwent Valley, Clarendon Vale, Rokeby and Risdon Vale communities.
The service is free for young people willing to engage.
Opening Hours
Varied – after hours, weekdays and Saturdays
Accessibility Support
Youth Beat are able to connect with young people in a variety of ways, including phone and FaceTime support options.
How this service is delivered
Call or visit us online
If you are a young person, or know of a young person, in need of support please contact us.
We'll come to you (outreach)
Youth Beat connects with young people in the community via outreach to spaces such as local skate parks. We are also able to offer case management support to young people in need.
Updated: 26/07/2022
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