The Link
The Link is a free, confidential service for young Tasmanians aged 12-25 dealing with issues such as alcohol and other drug use, pregnancy, housing, nutrition, sex, and health (just to name a few).
We provide support, practical assistance, information, advocacy and referral services in relation to health and other related issues.
You do not need an appointment to drop-in to the Open Access Area or to speak to a Youth Health Worker. We are not judgmental, we do listen and aim to be able to help you.
Young people can use our washing machine and dryer, get access to food, shower, lockers, WIFI, pick up hygiene items (ie shampoo, razors, tampons, condoms), use the phone or computer for health related calls, and have their mail sent there for collection.
Throughout the week we also have different services who can provide specialised drop-in support, which includes: Alcohol and Other Drug use, Income support through Centrelink, housing, or legal advice.
We have a Needle Syringe Program and can provide information on alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.
We also provide free cooked lunches on Wednesdays from 1.00pm and have food and ingredients you can take away most days.
You can find us in Facebook.
All services at The Link are free of charge.
Who this service is for
Young Tasmanians aged 12-25.
How this service is delivered
Visit our offices to access this service.
Updated: 05/04/2024
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