Warrane Mornington Neighbourhood Centre
There is a range of services provided including:
Social and educational activities (Community Breakfast and lunch, Food & Fun (Pingo), Community Garden, Youth program)
Exercise and wellbeing programs (Yoga, Chair yoga, Pilates, Wellness workout)
NILS loan application officers, Food relief, Advocacy, Information and referral.
The Neighbourhood Centre provides access to computers, phones and photocopiers.
The Centre offers rooms for hire
Who this service is for
Anyone in the community
Low or no cost.
Opening Hours
Monday to Thursday 8:30am – 3:30pm
Friday 9:00am – 3:00pm
How this service is delivered
Visit our Centre to learn more
Call or visit us online
Call us or see our Website or Facebook pages for more information
Updated: 16/07/2024
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