Vinnies Emergency Assistance (Statewide)

We respond to calls for assistance from people in need in their local community either through attendance at an assistance office, via phone call or visit to a person’s home.

We attempt to find the most appropriate response to meet a person’s needs. This might involve having a friendly chat or it might include providing information, advocacy, food or food vouchers, clothing, furniture, budget support, assistance with utility bills or transport costs.

Anyone can access this service providing you have an expressed a need for our assistance.

Who this service is for

Anyone can access this service providing you have an expressed a need for our assistance.



Opening Hours

Please call your local regional office between the hours of 9-5 to book in for assistance as below

How this service is delivered

  • Face-to-face

    The delivery of this service varies across the state. Call your local office for further details.

  • Call or visit us online

    Phone one of our offices for further details.

  • We'll come to you (outreach)

    In all cases of assistance we will discuss with you how best we can support you. Options include coming to a local assistance office, via phone appointment or home visitation

Updated: 25/07/2024

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