Launceston or around Dorset Transport
Individuals can book a driver to take them in our car or bus to appointments in Launceston or around Dorset.
Who this service is for
Those who do not have access to transport.
Costs are per Person. (No charge for Carers)
Local (Scottsdale Only) $7.00
Scottsdale to Gladstone $20.00/To Launceston $50 (Return)
Scottsdale to Durby $26.00/To Launceston $32 (Return)
Scottsdale to Winnaleah $16.00/To Launceston $32 (Return)
Scottsdale to Ringarooma/Legerwood $15.00/To Launceston $32 (Return)
Scottsdale to Bridport $12.00/To Launceston $25 (Return)
Scottsdale to Tomahawk $25.00/To Launceston $50 (Return)
Scottsdale to Launceston $18 (Return)
In addition metre and parking fees are to be paid by the client. (Not included in cost).
How this service is delivered
Call or visit us online
To making a booking contact Pat on 0448 015 988
Or ring us on 6352 2765
Updated: 24/07/2024
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