The Lounge
The Lounge is a warm and welcoming place for women isolated by and living with mental ill health or struggling with grief and loss. It is a safe place to come, chat and connect.
The Lounge provides inspiration and opportunity for women to grow in self-confidence while taking those courageous first steps to reconnect with others in the community. Guests enjoy coffee, crafts, games and companionship. Come and sit quietly or participate in games and other activities requested by guests.
Who this service is for
Those isolated by and living with mental ill-health or experiencing grief and loss.
Free but donations gratefully accepted
Opening Hours
- Monday 1:30 – 4:30pm
- Friday 10am – 1pm
Ulverstone Presbyterian Community Centre, 59 Main Street, Ulverstone
Geenrally closed over school and public holidays
Accessibility Support
Ramp Access, easy access amenities suitable for wheelchairs on walkers.
How this service is delivered
We would love you to call in, though it may be best to email beforehand to ensure the Lounge is running on the day you wish to attend.
Call or visit us online
You can call us or see our website for more information.
Updated: 11/07/2024
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