The Geeveston Community Workshop

Our Community Workshop is open (almost) 5 days a week and offers a range of activities for every type of hobbyist!

Monday: 10 – 3pm

Jan runs our Machine-free Mondays a day for hand-tools and hand-crafts, Jan has created a sensory-safe space for people to come and enjoy woodworking without the impact of loud machinery.

Tuesday: 10 – 3pm

Lads day with Laurie is a men-only space on a Tuesday. Its a space for men to work and/or talk in confidence.

Wednesday: 10 – 3pm

Geoff mans the workshop every other Wednesday and is great for large projects, or anything complex you might like a second set of eyes on.

Thursday: 10 – 3pm

Michael and Aga are in on Thursdays and happy to help with all sorts of projects!

Friday: 9:30 – 2:30pm

Women Working with Wood is a women-only day in the workshop. One of our longest-running groups the WWwW also run an annual exhibition in town called Women Makers.

Who this service is for

The Geeveston Community Workshop welcomes anyone over the age of 16 (Younger members by discussion). We have a monthly induction session which is free (but in high demand) accessible via Humanitix. This is held on the last Saturday of every month.


The Geeveston Community Workshop operates by donations. Membership is $10 per year, and we appreciate a gold coin donation per visit (or $10 at the beginning of a project). These donations allow us to pay for electricity, tool maintenance and consumeables like glue and sandpaper.

Opening Hours

Monday to Thursday 10 – 3

Friday 9:30 – 2:30

Accessibility Support

Parts of the shed are wheelchair accessible but not all. Benches are not at a wheelchair friendly height but we welcome anyone to come in with mobility requirements and we will try to make the space work for you!

How this service is delivered

  • Face-to-face

    Come and see us in person and we can organise an induction session

  • Call or visit us online

    6297 1616 to have a chat about where you best fit in the Workshop!

Updated: 05/10/2023

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