Stroke Prevention Programs
The National Stroke Foundation is committed to increasing awareness and prevention of stroke. We have developed several programs to improve community awareness of the risk factors and the signs of stroke, and improve the detection and management of blood pressure. These programs can help you become stroke safe.
the FAST campaign teaches Australians the most common signs of stroke: Face weakness, Arm weakness, and Speech difficulties and prompts them it’s Time to act FAST. Everyone including health professionals are encouraged to use FAST to raise awareness of stroke and stroke prevention with their patients, friends and relatives.
Know your numbers:
this program aims to raise awareness of high blood pressure in the community and work in partnership with pharmacies to have community health check stations and information available.
Australia’s Biggest Blood Pressure Check:
enables opportunistic health checks in community settings, including workplaces, pharmacy, community clubs and events, to give individuals a better understanding of their risk factors for stroke.
National Stroke Week:
Early August, there is a week of activities focused on raising awareness of stroke. Free resource packs are available to support workplaces, community groups, pharmacies and health professionals to get involved.
Education resources:
Stroke Foundation has developed a range of information about stroke awareness and prevention that health professionals can provide to their patients or community.
StrokeSafe seminar for all members of the community, including health professionals:
The StrokeSafe seminar is designed for all and delivered by trained volunteers as stroke awareness and prevention sessions. The program is available for groups of 20 or more – community groups, social groups, events, conferences or workplaces. Our StrokeSafe volunteer speakers are trained in public speaking and experienced in delivering life-saving messages about stroke.
Many of our volunteer speakers have either had a stroke themselves or are close to someone who has. While they will present common information about stroke and its prevention, they will also draw on their own personal experiences so every talk is different – and very powerful.
Most talks take approximately 30-40 minutes including time for questions, although it can be varied to meet your specific needs. Your presenter covers a range of issues that will help your organisation or group better understand stroke and how it can be prevented.
This includes:
What stroke is – What happens when someone is having a stroke and the different types of stroke.
How to recognise the signs of stroke – Learn the vital FAST signs which will help you recognise when someone is having a stroke.
What to do if someone is having a stroke – If you or someone else experiences the signs of stroke, no matter how long they last, call 000 immediately.
How to prevent stroke – Steps that can be taken to better understand and reduce the risk of having a stroke.
Who this service is for
How this service is delivered
StrokeSafe is delivered by trained volunteers in community settings.
Call or visit us online
Phone or see our website and youtube channel for more information.
We'll come to you (outreach)
We deliver StrokeSafe in communities.
Updated: 17/01/2024
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