State Emergency Service (SES)
For emergency help in flood, storm, or landslide call SES on 132 500.
In a life-threatening emergency call Triple Zero (000).
If you are deaf, or have a hearing or speech impairment contact us through the National Relay Service and ask them to call SES.
We assist Tasmania Police in search and rescue operations, and play an important support role during major bushfires. We are the main adviser and facilitator for emergency management activities such as emergency management planning, risk management and the management of Tasmania’s Natural Disaster Resilience Program and Emergency Volunteer Fund.
Our work helps to make Tasmanian communities more resilient to natural disasters and to shape the future of the Tasmanian emergency management sector as a whole.
We respond to many types of emergencies and provide assistance during severe storms and floods, in road crash rescue, search and rescue, and a range of other general rescue activities.
We also support other emergency service organisations, in planning, public information and warnings, and media. Each of Tasmania’s SES units provides a 24/7 response service to their local communities – which is only possible through the help of our volunteers.
In addition to operational activities, the SES is responsible for planning, emergency risk management and supporting recovery.
We support our communities to better understand emergency events by:
– helping them prepare for future emergencies
– helping them to understand their role
– increasing awareness of the role of SES and others.
We provide advice to the state government, and to the State Emergency Management Committee and Regional Emergency Management Planning Groups. We also lead the state’s emergency management planning and emergency risk management work.
Who this service is for
All Tasmanians
How this service is delivered
Call or visit us online
For emergency help in flood, storm and tsunami call SES on 132 500.
In a life-threatening emergency call Triple Zero (000).
If you are deaf, or have a hearing or speech impairment contact us through the National Relay Service and ask them to call SES.Visit our website at for a range of preparation advice in the event of an emergency.
Updated: 04/08/2022
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