Settlement Engagement Transition Support (SETS)
CatholicCare offers:
• Case Managers to support newly arrived individuals and families
• a drop-in service with information about services like English communication, education, employment, housing, health, citizenship, legal issues etc.
• groups and workshops to build skills and understanding that can assist settlement
Who this service is for
Humanitarian entrants and recently arrived migrants who have been in Australia for five years or less. Contact us for details.
There is a referral form on our website, or clients can self-refer at our drop-in service every Friday, 10am – 4pm.
No cost
Opening Hours
Drop-in service is on Fridays from 10am to 4pm.
How this service is delivered
Visit our Hobart office to access this service
Call or visit us online
See our website for the referral form or call us to discuss.
You can also contact CatholicCare or see our website to find out about current groups and workshops.
Updated: 06/08/2024
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