Psychology Services

Our psychologists use a range of evidence based strategies to assist you, known as focussed psychological strategies, such as:

  • Psycho-education (including motivational interviewing)
  • Cognitive-behavioural therapy
  • Relaxation strategies
  • Skills training (problem solving, anger management, social skills, communication, stress and parent management training)
  • Interpersonal therapy
  • Narrative therapy

Who this service is for

You do not need a referral to access psychological support at Positive Solutions. However, if you are referred via your GP with a GP Mental Health Treatment Plan our registered psychologists are Medicare registered meaning that Medicare benefits are available.



If you have been GP referred under a Mental Health Care Plan, the Medicare rebate covers a specific amount of the value of your session. Please contact us to find out more about pricing and the “gap” (out of pocket expenses) you might need to pay. Please note that Positive Solutions does not bulk bill.

Where you are not accessing this service under a GP Mental Health Care Plan you maybe eligible to claim this service through your private Health Insurer. Any rebate from your Health Fund is subject to the level of your cover. You will be provided a receipt at the end of your session which can be used to lodge a claim with your Health Insurer.

Opening Hours

Please contact us

Accessibility Support

Please contact us

How this service is delivered

  • Face-to-face

    The service is delivered in our Hobart office. Tele-health appointments are also available via phone and video conference.

Updated: 13/08/2024

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