Providing 24/7 Exceptional Care for people with Disabilities.
Cocoon SDA Care is a registered provider with the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
Our goal is to deliver exceptional day-to-day support tailored to your needs and enable you to live your best life.
We are passionate and dedicated to providing high quality support services designed to address the specific requirements of our participants and support them to achieve their NDIS/life goals.
We invite you to collaborate with our support teams in designing services that align with your lifestyle and maximise your independence.
You are always at the center of our care whether you’re in your own home or in Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA).
Our services include:
Supported Independent Living / In Home Support:
- Assistance with Personal Care
- General day to day household tasks including Meal Preparation and Cleaning.
- Medication Management
Assistance with Social, Community and Recreational Activities:
- Aids you to access the community for appointments, shopping, play a sport, attend a fitness class, watch a sporting event, go to the movies – the choices are endless!
Capacity Building:
- Individual skill development, we support you to develop skills to participate in activities such as shopping, bill paying, taking part in social activities, cooking and cleaning to maintain your home independently.
- Specialised Disability Accommodation (SDA)
- Short-term/Medium-term Accommodation
- In Home Respite
Who this service is for
People with a disability.
In line with the NDIS Price Guide.
Opening Hours
Office hours: Monday – Friday 9:00am – 5:00pm
Support: 24/7
How this service is delivered
Our support is provided within your own home, Supported Independent Living (SIL) or Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA).
Call or visit us online
Please contact: Tasmania Client Engagement Manager, Meegan Doyle by phone or email or you can visit our website.
We'll come to you (outreach)
Contact us to arrange and we will come and see you.
Updated: 26/07/2024