Peak body for young people
The Youth Network of Tasmania (YNOT) is the peak body for young people aged 12-25 years and the non-government youth sector in Tasmania.
Our vision is a Tasmania where all young people are valued and can achieve anything. YNOT works with young people, the youth sector, community and all levels of government to increase the participation and contribution of young people in the State.
As an independent not-for-profit organisation, YNOT provides a strong voice and support to young people and the youth sector through youth participation and engagement, policy advice, advocacy and representation and sector development support.
Who this service is for
Young people aged 12-25 years and the Tasmanian youth sector.
Opening Hours
Contact Hours
Our team is available:
- Monday to Friday, 9amto 5pm (via email or phone)
- Face-to-face meetings by appointment only
Accessibility Support
Please contact us.
How this service is delivered
Call or visit us online
Contact us or see our website for more information.
Updated: 07/01/2025
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