People Staying Connected
People Staying Connected (PSC) offers a flexible format that responds to the changing needs of the community. We focus on providing opportunities that positively impact members of the local community in the areas of:
-Health and wellbeing
We also facilitate Bringing Up Great Kids and Triple P parenting programs.
Who this service is for
Community Members of all ages with a focus on families/parents and children
Programs are all voluntary and free to community members
Specific eligibility for Play and Learn – must have a child under 5 in parent/carer full or part time care
Specific eligibility for Hanging at the House – must have a child under 12 in parent/carer full or part time care
Self-refer, through agencies, through friends, through community organisations
Opening Hours
9am-5pm Mon, Tue, Thurs, Fri.
How this service is delivered
You can visit us at Chigwell House, 2b Myella Drive, Berriedale.
Call or visit us online
You can call us for more information on the programs and groups that we run.
We'll come to you (outreach)
We provide outreach services for families, please contact us for more information.
Updated: 26/07/2022
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