Parent and student advocacy
The Tasmanian Association of State School Organisations Inc, otherwise known as TASSO, is a not-for-profit organisation, who provide guidance and advocacy for parents and students in government schools and assistance to school associations and parent groups.
TASSO is the peak parent body in Tasmania and a major source of information for Federal, State and Local governments and non-government groups in relation to public education.
TASSO is governed by a Board of Management consisting of 14 volunteers, elected from Tasmania’s three regions at an annual general meeting held at TASSO’s State Conference.
Who this service is for
- Parents and students in government schools.
- School Association Committees
Opening Hours
Monday to Friday 9.00 am to 5.00 pm
Accessibility Support
Contact us or see our website for more information.
How this service is delivered
Our office is in Lindisfarne
Call or visit us online
Contact us or see our website for more information.
Mobile contacts are Debra McOrist-Mitchell on 0408 377 585 and Jared Dickason on 0423 053 955
We'll come to you (outreach)
Contact us to arrange a time and place where we can come and see you.
Updated: 12/12/2023
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