Palhelp programs include assistance with Advance Care Planning, social support and My Life Story, biography writing service.
Advance Care Planning assistance helps you to understand and decide on what matters most to you towards end of life.
We share key information you need to know and help you to have conversations about your wishes.
My Life Story biography program is about giving you space to share your stories with our volunteer biographers, who write up your words, in your story for your loved ones to keep.
Social support for you: a weekly support service for 2-3 hours at home or in the community. A vital break for carers and a meaningful companionship for you.
Who this service is for
Open to any adult with a palliative illness. We will need the name of your healthcare provider, for a referral.
We regret that this service is not currently available for people with dementia or some Alzheimers patients.
Opening Hours
Mon – Fri 9am – 5pm
Some Saturday availability
Support arranged at times which meet your needs.
Accessibility Support
Our social support is provided in your home or in community spaces which meet your requirements.
How this service is delivered
Call or visit us online
More information can be found online or on Facebook at Palhelp.
We'll come to you (outreach)
We come to you at home or in your chosen community venue across Southern Tasmania
Updated: 11/07/2024
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