Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome
We provide ME/CFS education, information and community level advocacy. You can sign up to our newsletter, or have the Research Digest delivered to your inbox.
Information and Support Service:
For ME/CFS community, including our members, anyone living with ME/CFS, their carers and healthcare practitioners.
– General information about ME/CFS and Long COVID
– Connect you with Emerge Australia’s Patient Support Team, online community and online resources
– Contact Patient Support toll-free during business hours, Monday to Friday on 1800 865 321 or email
Telehealth Nurse Service:
Providing consultations free of charge to anyone who is experiencing ME/CFS or Long COVID symptoms. Carers can also access this service.
Book a consultation for support with:
– ME/CFS support, diagnosis, symptom management, Pacing (energy management)
– Working with your healthcare team and tips to maximise GP consultations
– How to put your best Disability Support Pensions (DSP) and National Disability Insurance Scheme application together
The service has received overwhelmingly positive feedback from patients and carers, who report that they feel more empowered during their medical consultations, and who have had success in obtaining services that improve their quality of life.
Book a consultation through our website:
Online Community Forum & Online Community Groups:
Emerge Australia’s Online Community Forum and Online Community Groups are a space for people to join an online social group. The Forum and Groups are moderated to help maintain a safe space using Emerge Australia’s community guidelines and values. Both have developed into a wonderful community-led space, with Emerge Australia staff and volunteers supporting its continued growth and development. At any time you can come to the Forum to connect with others in the ME/CFS and Long COVID community, to find tips for living with ME/CFS or even look up a recipe or a crafting idea.
To register to be a part of our Online Community Forum or join an Online Community Group visit our website:
Who this service is for
Those with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome, their carers, families and friends.
Opening Hours
9am- 5pm, Monday to Friday.
How this service is delivered
Call or visit us online
Call us or visit our website for ME/CFS support.
Emerge Australia offers a free, national InfoLine service for the ME/CFS community, including our members, anyone living with ME/CFS, their carers and healthcare practitioners.
Updated: 12/12/2023
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