Mission 2 A Future


The M2aF facilitator meets with participants weekly or fortnightly to help identify personal, work or education goals and develop a transition plan. One on one meetings are conducted to ensure each person’s needs and circumstances can be understood.


– Help you identify your personal goals
– Provide information on education and training opportunities
– Assist in gaining paid employment
– Help develop literacy and numeracy skills (reading, writing, maths, budgeting)
– Provide access to networks and groups to meet people that share similar interests
– Development of your resume and work ready skills
– Provide access to industry representatives
– Develop a personalised transition plan
– Assistance with enrolment in further education and training
– Personal and social skills development
– Access to a range of City Mission Services
– Work experience and/or volunteering
– A consistent Mentor to support goal attainment during the program
– Overcome barriers and challenges

Email us on m2af@citymission.org.au for more information. You can self-refer via our website page at www.citymision.org.au

Who this service is for

M2aF is open to all Northern Tasmanians aged 15 – 65.



Opening Hours

9 Killfaddy Road, Launceston. Please contact for more information

Accessibility Support

Free parking. Ramp access, disability parking and elevator.

How this service is delivered

  • Face-to-face

    Participants meet with our facilitator regularly at our Children, Youth & Futures Centre, The Ark at 9 Killafaddy Road, Launceston. However, can meet with participants in our Frederick Street office if transport is a barrier.

Mission 2 a Future

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Updated: 08/08/2024

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