Learning Through Loss

Learning Through Loss is a free training for professionals or volunteers working with young people. The training provides participants with the tools they need to support young people to safely navigate grief and loss. The learnings from the training have the potential to prevent the development of mental illness in those affected by grief and loss.

How can YOU get involved?
Learning Through Loss is a free training and available state-wide. The training is available as either a 60 or 90 minute session. Learning Through Loss will come to you and can be flexible with your schedule.

Contact program coordinator, Jess Sanders by emailing jess.sanders@pct.org.au or calling 0412431401 to book your training or enquire further.

Make a booking enquiry

Who this service is for

Free training for professionals or volunteers working with young people.



Opening Hours

Monday – Thursday: 9:00am – 5:00pm

How this service is delivered

  • Call or visit us online

    Call us on 0412 431 401 or visit us online

Updated: 09/01/2024

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