Learning Support
Libraries Tasmania is here to support you with your lifelong learning goals. We offer a range of programs and services to help you learn for pleasure, work, study and everyday life. Talk to our friendly staff about what suits your learning needs and explore our range of offerings and support.
Our services include:
– Lifelong Learning Information Service: We are here to help you find information about learning and studying as an adult in Tasmania. Whether it is learning a new hobby or changing careers, we can help you find information to get you started.
– Digital skills for daily life: We run free classes and tutorials to help you use technology in your daily life. If you can’t find what you need at your local library, we also have volunteers who can offer one to one help.
– Children’s programs: We offer a range of programs and events for children and families including:
• Rock & Rhyme – 30 minutes of songs, rhymes and short stories for children under 2
• Storytime – 30 minutes of stories, songs, and rhymes suitable for children aged 2-5
• School holidays program – offers activities and fun for the whole family.
– One to one help: Our staff and volunteers are available to give you one to one help. We are here to help with form filling, internet searching, printing, scanning, computer skills and so much more.
– Improve your reading, writing and maths skills: We are a proud member of the 26TEN network, and we can help you improve your reading, writing and maths skills. We have volunteer tutors who will work with you to achieve your learning goals.
– Learn English: We can help you with talking, writing and reading in English, and with maths. You can work one to one with a tutor or join an English conversation group – these groups provide a relaxed way to practice and improve your English with new friends! Library members can also access online language resources such as IELTS preparation.
– Adult education: It’s never too late to learn. Learning in a relaxed social setting is a great way to gain skills and knowledge that enrich your life. Visit the Adult Education website (adulteducation.libraries.tas.gov.au) to find out which courses are on offer near you. Fees apply.
– Research and access the State Library of Tasmania and Tasmanian Archives: If you are looking for help with your research, you can book a session in the History Room in Hobart to access archival resources or you can chat with a librarian or archivist and ask your research question in real time.
We also have guides to help you search the State Library of Tasmania, Tasmanian Archives, the Tasmanian Names Index and family history records.
– Free access to computers and Wi-Fi.
Talk to our friendly staff about what suits your learning needs and explore our range of offerings and support.
Who this service is for
All members of the community.
How this service is delivered
Visit one of our libraries to access these services. Details are on our website.
Call or visit us online
See our website for information on all our locations.
Updated: 25/07/2024
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