Learner Driver Mentoring
We are always looking for mentors to support Our Learner Driver Mentoring Programs.
Our LDMP’s assist disadvantaged learners to gain their Provisional license. If a learner driver cannot afford to obtain their license, has no one to sit beside them to supervise their 80 driving hours. If eligible for our LDMP assistance. They will be matched with an inducted and trained mentor to supervise those driving hours. In a minimum 4 star safety rated vehicle to do that.
Our amazing programs also provide additional referrals and support to our learner drivers as needed as part of our service to our Tasmanian communities.
Enquiries can be made online to become a learner driver or volunteer/mentor with programs through.
www.drivermentoringtasmania.org.au or www.ldmp.com.au
Once we receive your enquiry we will send you further information, within a few days.
Who this service is for
Tasmanians who have barriers preventing them from gaining the necessary supervised driving hours to sit a provisional license test.
Opening Hours
Office hours are Monday to Friday 9 am to 4:30 pm Driver Mentoring Tasmania phone: 0409 832 764
How this service is delivered
We have 16 fulltime and 2 outreach LDMP’s learner driver mentor programs in the North, North West, North East and South.
See our website to find a provider near you. -
Call or visit us online
See our website or call us for more information.
Office hours are Monday to Friday 9 am to 4:30 pm
Or www.ldmp.com.au -
We'll come to you (outreach)
We do outreach in the West Tamar, Georgetown, Low Head Meander Valley & Deloraine. Call us and ask for more information.
Look on www.drivermentoringtasmania.org.au to find your closest Learner Driver Mentor Program and call that LDMP Coordinator for more information as well.
Driver Mentoring Tasmania
Updated: 20/02/2024