Launceston RSL
The RSL’s mission is to support the well being and betterment of our members, former and serving members of the Australian Defense Force (ADF), and their dependents, with the provision of welfare and commemorative services and, where appropriate, contribute to the worthy needs within the community.
Objects of the League:
– Welfare of war veterans, serving members of the ADF, ex-servicemen and women and their dependants;
– Advocacy and Representation;
– Accepts as a result of its charter, a moral obligation to help all veterans, serving members of the ADF, and ex-service members regardless of whether they are members of the League or not;
– Commemoration and Remembrance;
– Participates in Employment Programs for veterans, ex-service members and their dependents;
– Committed to democratic principles and practices;
– Provides a means for members to enjoy camaraderie, fellowship and mateship;
– Provides effective and efficient management of RSL assets and resources for the benefit of it’s members, Serving members of the Australian Defence Force (ADF), veterans and the ex-service community;
– Acts as an effective lobby group by monitoring relevant Government Departments and policies;
– Provides moral and active support for the ADF;
– Active within the community and Australian Society;
– Practices and endeavours to instill in the Australian people the patriotic, loyalty and pride which the League has for the Nation, it’s people, the Crown and the Flag.
Who this service is for
RSL members, former and serving members of the Australian Defense Force (ADF), and their dependents.
How this service is delivered
Visit us to find out more.
Call or visit us online
Contact us or see our website for more information.
Updated: 07/07/2022
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