JayRad Therapy Services
Offering Transpersonal Art Therapy sessions in person or online (via Zoom or Teams), for individuals or groups.
Honouring the inherent resilience and creative potential within each person. Profound integration of mind, body, and spirit, leading to a greater sense of wholeness, authenticity, and fulfillment in life.
Able to tailor sessions to your needs, purpose, aims.
Facilitate workplace or work group session/s.
Deliver session/s in your location.
No art or creative skill or experience needed to participate.
10% discount offered to holders of pension or health care cards.
Contact t0 book your experience of the transformational benefits of Transpersonal Art Therapy.
Who this service is for
Anyone 18 years of age and over
- Individual session per hour $110.
- Group sessions range between $20 – $50 per person depending on session time, supplies required etc.
- 10% discount offered to holders of pension or health care cards.
- 10% discount may apply when booking a block of multiple sessions (non card holders).
- Travel cost may be charged if greater distances involved.
- Costs and fees discussed and agreed upon prior to commencing.
Opening Hours
Mondays 9am to 5pm
Tuesdays to Thursdays 6pm to 8pm
Saturdays 2pm to 5pm
Accessibility Support
Dependent on location of session.
How this service is delivered
Call or visit us online
Visit Facebook page for contact details. Call for more details. Leave a talking text if your call is not answered. Your call will be returned.
We'll come to you (outreach)
JayRad Therapy Services is able to travel to your location on the NW Coast of Tasmania. Please call to check. Also available via online sessions (Zoom or Teams).
JayRad Therapy Services
- Information about the benefits of Transpersonal Art Therapy.
- Contact details
Updated: 16/07/2024
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