Indigo Lodge
If you are a young single person or a couple aged 16 to 25 in need of supportive, safe, affordable long term housing Thyne House may be an option.
Thyne House has accommodation in fully independent units, each with a kitchen and bathroom. There is also a communal kitchen, lounge, gym, resource room and outdoor spaces.
While you are living at Thyne House you will be encourages and supported to be involved in employment, education and or training. There is a support worker on site Monday to Friday to assist and to help facilitate outings and recreational activities which the residents help to plan. There are regular house meetings for residents.
Who this service is for
If you want to apply for a unit at Indigo Lodge, you’ll need to apply for Social Housing at Housing Connect. If you are eligible, let Housing Connect know you would like to live at Indigo Lodge.
Cost to you – rent is 85% if peoples incomes excluding Commonwealth Rent Assistance.
How this service is delivered
Indigo Lodge is located in Launceston.
Call or visit us online
Contact us or see our website for more information.
Updated: 16/05/2023
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