Health Consumers Tasmania
There are many ways members of the public and community organisations can get involved in Health Consumers Tasmania, and your level of involvement can be tailored to suit you and change to fit your circumstances.
You might like to attend the open meetings we hold every second month in Hobart, Launceston and Burnie for patients, carers and community representatives. These meetings provide a chance to network, talk about the challenges our health system faces and propose solutions.
You may wish to attend a one-off consultation session we host ad hoc in partnership with government agencies to talk about patients experience of a health service and how it could be improved.
We also provide opportunities for members of the public to become ‘health consumer representatives’. Through this process we assist patients, carers and community representatives to become part of health committees run by government agencies, to sit at the decision making table and help be a voice for consumers at a systemic level.
How this service is delivered
Call or visit us online
Health Consumers Tasmania seeks to be truly representative of the many experiences Tasmanians have with health services, and we welcome your phone call or email, and a chance to meet with you and hear your story.
Please contact or call 03 6210 2800.
Updated: 12/12/2023
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