Goulburn St
If you are single or a couple on a low income and looking for supported, safe, affordable long term housing, Goulburn St may be an option.
Goulburn Street has accommodation in independent units each with a kitchen and bathroom. There is also a communal kitchen, shared laundry,lounge and nice outdoor spaces.
Staff are onsite Monday – Friday to provide support to tenants as well as assist with arranging outings and recreational activities. Once you are living at Goulburn street you’ll be encouraged to help plan activities and participate in regular tenant meetings.
Who this service is for
If you want to apply for a unit at Goulburn Street, you’ll need to apply for Social Housing at Housing Connect. If you are eligible, let Housing Connect know you would like to live at Goulburn Street.
Cost to you – 25% of your income is charged for rent (including any Commonwealth Rent Assistance you may be eligible for)
How this service is delivered
Goulburn Street is located in Hobart.
Call or visit us online
Contact us or see our website for more information.
Updated: 16/05/2023
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