Glenorchy Jobs Hub
Support through the Glenorchy Jobs Hub includes:
- Assistance with resumes, cover letters and applications
- Support with employability skills including but not limited to – Interview coaching, career planning and mentorship through the employment process
- Referrals to support services to overcome or address barriers to employment or training
- Provides connection to education and training providers
- Provides opportunities for job seekers and employers to connect through industry sessions, work experience, job fairs and other activities
- Recruitment and workforce planning support for employers
- A dedicated Youth Connector working with young people aged 15 – 25 years
Who this service is for
The Glenorchy Jobs Hub service is accessible to job seekers and employers within the Glenorchy municipality.
The Hub can support job seekers who are not currently employed, looking to change jobs or increase their employment hours.
The Glenorchy Jobs Hub offers a free service for both job seekers and employers.
Opening Hours
Open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm.
Accessibility Support
Accessible access via ramp into the Glenorchy Jobs Hub
Disabled parking located on Main Road Glenorchy, in front of the Glenorchy Jobs Hub
How this service is delivered
The Glenorchy Jobs Hub is located at 2 Tolosa Street, Glenorchy. Entry is via Main Road Glenorchy,
The Hub is located in the St Matthews Church building, next to the Bus Mall.
Call or visit us online
To make an appointment, contact the Hub team Monday to Friday between 9am – 5pm on 1300 084 307 or via email
We'll come to you (outreach)
The Glenorchy Hubs team is available to meet with employers at their workplace and attends community events regularly.
Updated: 18/10/2023
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