Girls gotta know
Girls gotta know is a website with a wide range of legal information for young women. Areas include:
Relationships – getting together, respectful relationships, sex, children, separation and children and dividing property, family and domestic violence, restraint and protection orders.
Partying and Trouble – alcohol and other drugs, trouble with the police, technology.
Housing and renting – renting and boarding, leases, buying a house.
Employment – entitlements, harassment at work, losing your job, employment basics, types of employment, taxes.
Money – warranties and returns, shopping safely, spending, managing your money.
Extras – travel, do you need a lawyer?, becoming independent, responsibilities, general health, life and death, signing your life away?
You can call us on our free advice line:
1800 682 468
Who this service is for
Young women.
Free online resource
Opening Hours
Our free telephone advice line operates from 10am-4pm, Monday to Friday
How this service is delivered
Call or visit us online
See our website, or call our free advice line for further information or advice,
1800 682 468
Updated: 06/08/2024
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