Girl Guides Association of Tasmania
Empowering girls and young women to discover their potential as leaders of their world.
There are over 50 units across Tasmania – see our website or get in touch for information on your nearest Guide Unit.
Guides usually meet in a local hall or community centre, once a week during the school term for 1-2 hours, depending on the ages of the girls in the Unit. Units are structured so girls are with their own age group.
Guides plan their activities with help from their Leaders when they need it and according to their experience and ability, so their activities vary from week to week. Guides can do anything – from helping to run community events to learning new skills which could include surfing, juggling and how to save a life! Guides may also choose to work for Challenge badges and Peak Achievement awards in many skill and interest areas – for example, computers, crafts, camping and other outdoor and adventurous activities.
Guides also have opportunities to participate in activities outside the Unit meeting such as camps, special events, outings and day trips.
Who this service is for
Girls and young women
Please contact us
Opening Hours
Please contact us
Accessibility Support
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How this service is delivered
There are 50 units across Tasmania – see our website or get in touch for information about the Unit closest to you.
Call or visit us online
See our website or get in touch for information on your nearest club.
Updated: 08/08/2024
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