Get Active Program
The Get Active Program (GAP) is a statewide initiative that aims to enhance the health and wellbeing of men and women through involvement in physical activity, and to encourage healthy eating habits.
Participants take part in a 10-week series of 2-hour workshops, the first hour of which covers such issues as motivation, stress management, self-esteem and goal setting, and the second hour is spent on fun physical activities which the group itself chooses.
Womensport and Recreation Tasmania (WSRT) are always on the lookout for new facilitators across Tasmania, and both men and women are welcome to apply for training – contact our GAP Program Manager via
Here is a sample of some of the types of physical activities that participants try during a Get Active Program:
- Aqua Aerobics
- Nordic Walking
- Cycling
- Dancing
- Yoga
- Swimming
- Boxercise
Who this service is for
Women and girls, anyone wanting to increase their health and fitness. Group activity run by local GAP facilitators
Free or low cost
Opening Hours
Please contact us for more information
Accessibility Support
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How this service is delivered
Call or visit us online
Please call us for more information
Updated: 30/07/2024
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