George Town Neighbourhood House (The Hood)

Why Neighbourhood Houses are Special

Neighbourhood Houses are run to help the local community and offer a unique atmosphere. They are welcoming places where anyone can come to make new friends, participate in community life, and share learnings.While Neighbourhood Houses may differ from one another, they all focus on encouraging personal growth, self-help, and knowledge sharing. They build partnerships with other community organizations, both formal and informal, to enrich the lives of community members.

Our Mission

George Town Neighbourhood House actively works to address structural disadvantage within the George Town Municipality. We achieve our purpose through the following objectives:

  • Support disadvantaged people and their families
  • Relieve suffering and distress
  • Respond to community needs
  • Build a supportive and resilient community

Check us out online:

Who this service is for



Low or no cost

Opening Hours

Operating Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30 am – 4:00 pm

Accessibility Support

Please contact us for more information.

How this service is delivered

  • Face-to-face

    Visit us at our location: the house.

  • Call or visit us online

    Contact us or see our Facebook page for more information.

Updated: 15/11/2024

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