Food Support

Loaves and Fishes

Weekly on a Thursday from 11am we invite anyone in the community in need of a helping hand to avail themselves of fresh fruit, vegetables and baked goods from the awesome folk at Loaves and Fishes. No appointment necessary, come in and help yourself. Loaves and Fishes is FREE but if you can afford it, you can leave a gold coin donation. When available we also have a supply of local produce like eggs and veggies from our wonderful community as well.

Emergency Food Relief

For those in immediate need, we can provide food staples from our emergency food pantry. Call ahead or pop in to see us and we can arrange a selection of non perishable items and some microwave meals to tide you over to your next pay. Emergency Food Relief is FREE.

Soup with Soul

Throughout winter, we offer FREE lunch every Monday from Midday. Soup with Soul is a great opportunity to get to know your neighbours, have a chat and enjoy a good meal as well. Choose from a eat-based or a vegetarian soup every week. Donations welcome.

Eating with Friends

Once a month, our fabulous kitchen volunteers put on Eating with Friends a communal long-table lunch. Call us on 6297 1616 to see when the next meal is and what’s on the menu! Eating with Friends is held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month, and is a 2-course meal (Main and Dessert). The cost is $10 per person and it’s great value for money!

Who this service is for

Everyone in our community is welcome at GeCo. There is no means testing and we don’t turn people away.


All our food programs with the exception of eating with Friends operate as a free service (Gold coin donations appreciate for those who can afford it).

Eating with Friends is $10 (Main course and dessert)

Opening Hours

GeCo is open from Monday to Thursday, 8:30 – 4pm and on Fridays 8:30 – 3pm.

Accessibility Support

GeCo has ramps into both buildings and wheelchair friendly toilets in both buildings too.

Our toilets are gender-neutral.

How this service is delivered

  • Face-to-face

    Come in and see us

  • Call or visit us online

    Come in and See us

Updated: 08/11/2023

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