Food Relief – Midway Point
We receive food from Coles and Loaves & Fishes which we organise and put out for the community to get what they need. No requirements need to be met to collect from this service, it is for anyone who needs it.
We run this program on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays, with emergency food assistance available every day of the week.
Items that are available vary but include bakery items (bread, rolls, donuts and other treats) we also receive fruit and vegetables which also vary week to week.
If you cannot make it at these times, please call us to make other arrangements. Ph: 6265 1155
Who this service is for
It is available for anyone who needs it – There are no eligibility requirements to access our food assistance programs,
No cost for our food assistance days.
Opening Hours
Food Assistance days and times below:
Tuesday – 3.30pm
Wednesday – 11.30am
Thursday – 1pm
Emergency food assistance available every day of the week.
Our office is open at a minimum Monday to Friday: 9am – 4pm
Accessibility Support
Easy access for all –
Accessible parking at the front door
No stairs
Accessible toilet
How this service is delivered
Food Assistance is offered in a variety of ways but always at the Neighbourhood House.
Call or visit us online
Feel free to give us a call on 62 651155
Find us on facebook
or send us an emial –
Updated: 08/11/2023
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