Family Dispute Resolution (Mediation) by CatholicCare
Our CatholicCare Family Dispute Resolution Practitioners are not lawyers; they are trained to work towards resolutions that are acceptable to each person. They are impartial and prioritise the best interests of any children involved. Child consultations may be included in this process.
Who this service is for
Families who are separating or have separated, including grandparents and significant others.
Low cost, according to income.
Please contact to discuss cost with our staff.
Opening Hours
Monday to Friday – 9am to 5pm
How this service is delivered
Call or visit us online
You can call CatholicCare statewide freecall on 1800 819 447 to arrange an appointment, or contact one of our offices directly.
We'll come to you (outreach)
We provide outreach services in the Smithton area.
Updated: 06/08/2024
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