Family Based Care Tasmania
Family Based Care is a community based organisation committed to providing individualised support for people with a disability, the frail aged, and their carers in a manner which respects and responds to the changing needs of clients.
Family Based Care Tasmania is a non faith based, not for profit provider of community services across Tasmania. Providing in home, in clinic and community based services to clients of all ages. Family Based Care is a provider of Home and Community Care (HACC) services statewide, Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) statewide, Home Care Packages and a full range of NDIS services.
Family Based Care can also provide Psychological Services, Speech Pathology services, Exercise Physiology services and Workplace injury Return to Work Services.
We also provide service navigation for the NDIS and Aged Care systems and have offices in Burnie, Bellerive, Launceston and Rosebery for your convenience. Contact us to discuss your needs.
Who this service is for
Please contact us
Please contact us
Opening Hours
We are open from 8:30 till 5:00 Monday to Friday and provide a local 24/7 on call service.
Accessibility Support
Our offices are all accessible.
How this service is delivered
You can visit one of our offices, in Burnie, Bellerive (Hobart), Devonport and Launceston (all manned Monday-Friday) or Rosebery (manned Thursdays only).
Call or visit us online
Call us Freecall 1800 684 098
You can also visit us online at -
We'll come to you (outreach)
We visit clients in their homes wherever you are in the State including King Island and Flinders Island.
Updated: 12/12/2023
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