enableme Stroke support
enableme is a place to talk to, and seek support from other people who have ‘been there’. It is a place to ask questions, to find the answers that you need and to set recovery goals.
It is a place where you can offer support, encourage others, and share your experiences; because you are not alone, you are part of a bigger community of people who stand side by side facing life after stroke.
enableme is owned and managed by the Stroke Foundation. It has been created specifically for the Australian stroke community.
For every stroke survivor, their family and carers, access to information and support is critical to recovery.
enableme brings together stroke information, videos, tools and conversation with other survivors and carers.
On enableme you’ll find:
– Videos and fact sheets on a wide range of topics impacting daily life after stroke
– Podcasts
– Strokesaurus with explanation of common terms
– A community forum to ask questions and share experiences with other stroke survivors and carers
– A tool to set and track personal goals for recovery.
enableme will ensure you have everything you need to manage your own recovery and grow stronger after stroke.
Who this service is for
Stroke survivors, their family and carers.
Opening Hours
How this service is delivered
Call or visit us online
Visit our website to see our information and resources.
Updated: 17/01/2024
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