Preparing for Emergencies
Emergencies can strike at anytime, anywhere and without warning. The good news is, it’s easy to help protect yourself, the people you love and the things you value most.
Red Cross has a wide range of information on preparing for disasters, responding to disasters, recovering from disasters, and other useful links. Our Get Prepared App is a great place to start!
We also offer School and Community Preparedness Education Sessions. If you are a teacher or part of a group, who would like book Red Cross to come deliver RediPlan or Pillowcase sessions, please get in touch.
You can also download resources from our website, or email us to order printed copies.
Some of the resources available, include:
– Climate-ready communities,
– preparedness for older people
– RediPlan in Auslan (video only)
– Preparedness for people who have just moved
– preparedness for people with a chronic illness or physical disability
– psychological first aid
– coping with a major personal crisis
– cleaning up after an emergency
– looking after yourself and your family
Who this service is for
Resources are available for parents, teachers, agencies and communities.
How this service is delivered
Call or visit us online
See our website for the full range of resources.
You can also email us on
Updated: 28/11/2023
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