Early Access to Defibrillation Program
Ambulance Tasmania’s Early Access to Defibrillation Program is designed to take advantage of the many publically-accessible Automatic External Defibrillators (known as “AEDs “) across Tasmania. If a cardiac arrest occurs within a few blocks of a registered machine, its owner will be alerted and, where possible, take their defibrillator to the scene to help the patient.
Most people think you have to be trained in using an AED. This is not correct. Knowledge of first aid is not required to register your AED and become a participant in the Early Access to Defibrillation Program, but training in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and use of defibrillators is strongly encouraged for all Tasmanians.
You cannot do any harm to a person by applying an AED. You just have to turn it on and the machine will talk you through everything you need to do in simple steps – so have a go, you may just save a life.
We provide an app showing community-held AED locations across Tasmania.
Anyone with an AED can participate and joining the Early Access to Defibrillation Program is easy. You can register online or call 1300 979 057 and ask for an Early Access to Defibrillation Program Registration Pack.
How this service is delivered
Call or visit us online
Contact us or see our website for more information.
Updated: 31/05/2021
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