Drumbeat is a CatholicCare group-work program which can be run for children and can be adapted for adults. Drumbeat can be helpful when people are lacking in confidence, have trouble socialising, or find difficulty in keeping their strong emotions in check.
Drumbeat is a 10 week program which involves using drums and music to explore different topics each week. Some of the themes for exploration include- relationships, harmony, identity, emotions and feelings and teamwork, among others. Drumbeat aims to assist participants in;
– increasing their confidence and self-esteem,
– building their acceptance (of others and self),
– increasing their sense of belonging, and recognition,
– and can help participants in coping with strong emotions.
Participants don’t have to be musically proficient to do the group work.
There is an emphasis in Drumbeat on participants having fun!
Free or low cost
Opening Hours
Monday to Friday 9am-5pm.
How this service is delivered
Visit our office to access this program.
Call or visit us online
Call CatholicCare freecall on 1800 819 447 or the Hobart office for more information.
Updated: 06/08/2024
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