Disability Employment Service by atWork
Atwork Australia are your Job Coach, your advocate and your partner as you find the right job for you. We have great flexibility in how we work together, including the ability to meet virtually and paperless documentation, all to make your job hunt as simple as possible for you.
When you choose atWork Australia as your Disability Employment Service provider, we get started delivering the services you need straight away. We work together to meet your goals with a truly individual approach, putting your needs front and centre. We are your Job Coach, your advocate and your partner as you find the right job for you.
The National Standards for Disability Services underpins the way we work. We strive to continuously improve to ensure people with disability are at the centre of planning and service delivery. atWork Australia holds a current Certificate of Compliance with the National Standards for Disability Services.
Who this service is for
If you meet the below requirements you may be eligible for Disability Employment Services:
- I have a diagnosed injury, illness or disability
- I’m aged between 14 and 65
- I’m at or above the minimum working age for Tasmania
- I’m an Australian resident
- I’m not studying full time (unless I’m an eligible school leaver)
- I’m able to work at least eight hours per week (with support if I need it)
- I’m not currently working at or above my assessed employment capacity
Please contact us to find out more.
Free service
Opening Hours
9 am – 5pm
How this service is delivered
We deliver Disability Employment Services from eight locations across Tasmania, including four in the Hobart area.
Call or visit us online
Call us or visit our website for more information.
We'll come to you (outreach)
We also visit regional centres, contact us to make an appointment.
Updated: 13/07/2023
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