Disability Employment Service by Interact
We are excited to be offering disability employment services in the Devonport, Launceston and Hobart areas, where we have committed local people who are dedicated to the community.
Through our integrated service delivery model, we are able to work with you to reach your potential through job placement, ongoing skills training and career coaching that is tailored to meet your individual needs, interests and goals.
Interact Australia have been providing employment and community support for people with disability for over 20 years. Through our knowledge and expertise in supporting individuals and communities to create futures, we have seen first hand the social, cultural and economic benefits of embracing and creating a diverse workforce.
In addition we have an Australia wide network of employment services through CoAct. This means that we have both local and national coverage, knowledge, experience, resources, infrastructure and capabilities to support and deliver successful employment outcomes for our customers.
Create your future, with Interact Australia.
Who this service is for
People with a permanent injury, health condition or disability who are looking for work.
How this service is delivered
Visit us at one of our offices
Call or visit us online
Please give our friendly team a call on 1300 FUTURE (1300 388873) or jump on our website, interact.com.au
We'll come to you (outreach)
Our service is a mobile one, so we are able to come out and meet with you in a location that suits you!
Updated: 13/07/2023
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