Dial an Angel
Dial an Angel provides a wide range of services to cater for your care needs. You tell us what they are and we will supply an Angel to help meet them.
Maybe a cleaner, a gardener, a nurse, help with the shopping or just someone to do odd jobs around the home?
Maybe you just need a one-off service, short or long-term assistance in helping you or a family member or friend manage at home?
Why not buy one of our new Dial an Angel Vouchers as a gift to a loved one or friend who needs a bit of help around the house?
Community Care TASMANIA’s Dial an Angel Service is a state wide fee paying home care service available to everybody. It is particularly suited to people who are not eligible for government subsidised home care services but who are looking for long or short-term assistance. These services can also be added to CHSP support or a CDC home-care package.
Sometimes this option can be the quickest and cheapest solution for you to get just the service you need when you need it. It is available to anyone at anytime, anywhere.
You can download our Dial an Angel Brochure below.
Who this service is for
Our Dial and Angel services can be provided to anyone who needs them on a fee paying basis.
How this service is delivered
These services are coordinated from our Launceston office.
Call or visit us online
Call us on 1300 722 400 or contact the Launceston office directly on (03) 6334 0990
We'll come to you (outreach)
Our angels visit clients in their own homes across Tasmania.
Dial an Angel Brochure
Download our brochure for more information.
Download BrochureUpdated: 22/11/2021
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